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Apu Kapadia, Nikos Triandopoulos, Cory Cornelius, Dan Peebles, and David Kotz. AnonySense: Opportunistic and Privacy-Preserving Context Collection. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive), May 2008. 10.1007/978-3-540-79576-6_17
Subject: Symposium on conservation of synthetic materialsSymposium on conservation of synthetic materialsFrom: Kathrin Kessler Date: Wednesday, March 5, 2003Symposium on conservation of synthetic materialsVitra Design MuseumWeil am RheinMarch 25-26, 2003The diversity of synthetics in industrial furniture production:Since the 1960s, synthetic materials have become increasingly commonin interior furnishings. The utilization of plastics and othersynthetics in the production of furniture and household objects andthe associated new technical possibilities allowed the creation offorms that would have been inconceivable with standard materialslike wood.Those employing synthetics at the time had not yet accumulatedempirical experience on the durability of the new materials. Decadeslater, however, we now see the emergence of problems related to theaging process for which new solutions have to be found.At the outset, the production of synthetic objects was not primarilyconcerned with long use and durability. The task facing museums andcollectors today, however, is the preservation of these documents oftechnical and design-related developments. The need for action isacute, for often there is a lack of suitable conservation measuresable to halt the changes in the different synthetic materials causedby their particular composition or external influences. To date,procedures for restoration, conservation and abatement of theincipient processes of materials change are at best rudimentary andoften non-existent.The goal of the collaboration between AXA Art and the Vitra DesignMuseum is the development and application of new techniques forconservation and restoration of synthetic objects. Created withinthe framework of the project, the conservation lab at the VitraDesign Museum in Weil am Rhein offers the opportunity to develop anddocument new conservation methods and processes as well as thechance to carry out treatments.The symposium on March 25-26 will examine the following questions:Which synthetics are used, what characteristics do they exhibit and,most importantly, what conservation and restoration processes havebeen established and in which areas do new techniques have to befound.The participation fee for daily symposium materials, 2x lunch,refreshments and documentation comes to 75 euros.Information and registration: Vitra Design Museum Alexa Tepen alexa.tepen [at] design-museum__de +49 7621 702 3153Kathrin KesslerConservatorAXA Art Conservation Project in Cooperation with the Vitra Design MuseumVitra Design Stiftung gGmbH,Charles-Eames-Strasse 179576 Weil am Rhein,Germany+49 7621 702 3182Fax: +49 7621 702 4182 *** Conservation DistList Instance 16:52 Distributed: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 Message Id: cdl-16-52-007 ***Received on Wednesday, 5 March, 2003Contemporary messages sorted: [ by date ] [ by subject ] [ by author ] [Searchall CoOL documents] 59ce067264