CHASE WRIGHT - Wish Youd Miss Me
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An orderly ascended with the message, and Iwaited at the steps, watching anxiously for Danor Dick to appear at the railing. I did not havemany minutes to wait. The orderly returned withthe reply that Lieutenant - not Major - Greyhad been exchanged that very morning, and wasnow on his way home. Happy for Nell andIsabelle and myself, I poured out my thanks tothe officer in command for helping me to suchgood news, and asked his permission to send thelarge basket of good things I had brought to theother prisoners. He gave it, and I saw theorderly again mount the stairs, burdenedthis time with good wishes and my still moresubstantial and acceptable offering. As Iwent out, passing again through the prison gates,my driver whispered in the most excited manner:
During the day proclamation was made thatall who wished could come to the CommissaryDepartment and get anything they wanted in theway of provisions - without pay. I for one, inspite of my loathing for dried apples and peas,and a lively objection to starvation, would notentertain the thought at first. But the situationwas serious. We discussed it in council, sittingaround our room on beds; chairs, trunks, and thefloor. We could not foresee the straits to whichwe might be brought. We considered that theevacuation of Richmond implied we knew notwhat. Unless we provided now by laying in somestores we might actually starve. Besides, Mrs.Sampson said she was just bound to have awhole barrel of flour, and she was going for it.That declaration wound up the conference. Mother said she would gowith Mrs. Sampson, and I must needs go, Ithought, to protect mother. We put on ourbonnets - home-made straw trimmed withchicken feathers - and started. Such a crowd aswe found ourselves in! such a starveling mob! Igot frightened and sick, and mother and Mrs.Sampson were daunted. We had not gone manysquares before we changed our course, and wentto Mrs. Taylor's (Colonel Walter Taylor'smother) and I ran up the steps and asked her tolend us Bob, her youngest son, who was at homethen, for our escort. 59ce067264