File: ...
File: ... >>>>>
Often you want to know the state of various elements that are not stored in variables, for output. A fairly common example of this is to print the current \"Stage\" in a \"Quest\". You can use the \"GetStage \" function in a conditional statement (e.g. If ( GetStage VT47 == 10 ), but that by itself won't work as a parameter to a \"PrintC\" command. Fortunately NVSE v4 added the ToString function (abbreviated as the \"$\" symbol) which can be used to turn an \"expression\" into a string value (e.g. PrintD \"Active Quest [\" + $(GetActiveQuest) + \"Stage = [\" + $(GetStage ) + \"].\"). Note the spaces separating the string concatenation \"+\" symbols are required. Also that the \"GetActiveQuest\" function returns a RefID which is normally not printable but \"$\" converts into a string.Sometimes simply displaying messages to the screen or console is not sufficient to trace a problem. NVSE provides a number of functions enabling you to dump debugging information to a text file. These functions, and examples of how to use them, are listed on the GECK wiki under the subject Debug Dumps. They all reference sending messages to the \"console\". You need to first use the Con_SCOF command to redirect console messages to a text file instead.When you need to send a sequence of commands to the console one immediately after the other, it is often useful to put them (one per line) into a plaintext \"batch\" file (e.g. \"enabledebugfile.txt\") placed in the game root folder, the same folder as the game executable (i.e. \"\\common\\Fallout New Vegas\"), and use the console command \"bat \" (no extension and without the quotes) to run it (e.g. \"bat enabledebugfile\").Example 'enabledebugfile.txt' file:
This process loads LOOT through the Mod Organizer interface to sort the current ESMs/ESPs in the virtual data folder. For now this only consists of the base game and DLC ESM/ESP files. Note in the Mod Organizer window the load order has been corrected to match the output from LOOT. \"Skyrim.esm\" and \"Update.esm\" are at the top of the load order, greyed and checked. To load all the DLC content along with the base game for the \"Vanilla Skyrim\" profile: 59ce067264