Fly Away
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Wir begeistern Sie mit exklusiven Services, die Ihren Charter-Flug zu einem ganz persönlichen Erlebnis machen. Wir bei Fly away setzen alles daran, dass Sie sich von der ersten Kontaktaufnahme bis hin zu Ihrem persönlichen Flug rundherum gut aufgehoben fühlen.
At one time, numbers of geese were in serious decline in North America. However, the actions of various wildlife agencies and the implementation of the Migratory Bird Act of 1916, their numbers have increased dramatically. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (2009) the resident population has now inflated to an estimated 5,600,600. Unfortunately, this increase in population has resulted in some negative consequences and environmental concerns. Flyaway Geese & Kennels have helped our customers manage the negative impact of geese, seagulls, pigeons and other nuisance birds. We currently work with golf course owners, superintendents, turf farmers, military installations and corporate headquarters throughout the country to help reduce and eliminate the following;
As we grow up, dreams and important thoughts conceived during childhood are left behind.If you look at yourself and reach out a bit towards those which have been forgotten, you should definitely be able to spread your wings again. You can fly away!Because you can fly farther away than where you are now! 781b155fdc