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The clothes of the men are likewise made with much the same method which admits of great variation in the tailoring of them, and in them you will see the richly laced blue coat, the square tail coat, the single tail coat, the jacket, with the fur trimmings, and the frilled shirt-front, yet all having more or less admirably calculated to set off the person to great advantage. Thus you will see that these poor female victims, once their [Page 17] money is spent on the dress, and the ornaments of their persons, and their heads are once and again oiled, parboiled, and curled as is annually practised in that part of the world by the Zundirjees, are loaded with a fashionable burden that consumes the greatest part of their substance, besides the loss of other valuable articles of apparel, mayhap the most valuable part of their life. These Zundirjees however, are conscientious and despatching, and in performing this accursed work, their own minds relax from the state of utter despondency they are in from the losses they have suffered, and their nurse is consoled. It is true that they are conscientious in disposing of the remains of the dead; no person is suffered to remain among them, and a strict watch is kept to prevent any of the lower orders from stealing or concealing any of the dead, or any part of the remains of the dead, but as these females are of so tender a constitution, that they are debarred even by a slight shade of the body of the person from becoming ill, they are forced to be more circumspect in the bursting of the fetid and putrid exhalations; not to be thought of, thus shall the remains of ten, twenty, or thirty dead Zundirjees be packed up in one waggon with a litter of pigs, or cows, or horses, in boxes tumbling from one to another to be set on fire, and in this general death and darkness to be left, rotting, to work their beneficent[Page 18] purpose, or be used as food for the cattle.
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