Download ->>->>->>
Handle an authentication request by getting a user/password pair, and re-tryingthe request. authreq should be the name of the header where the informationabout the realm is included in the request, host specifies the URL and path toauthenticate for, req should be the (failed) Request object, andheaders should be the error headers.
host is either an authority (e.g. \"\") or a URL containing anauthority component (e.g. \" \"). In either case, theauthority must not contain a userinfo component (so, \"\" and\"\" are fine, \"\" is not).
authreq should be the name of the header where the information about the realmis included in the request, host should be the host to authenticate to, reqshould be the (failed) Request object, and headers should be theerror headers.
The code handling the FTP protocol cannot differentiate between a file and adirectory. This can lead to unexpected behavior when attempting to read a URLthat points to a file that is not accessible. If the URL ends in a /, it isassumed to refer to a directory and will be handled accordingly. But if anattempt to read a file leads to a 550 error (meaning the URL cannot be found oris not accessible, often for permission reasons), then the path is treated as adirectory in order to handle the case when a directory is specified by a URL butthe trailing / has been left off. This can cause misleading results whenyou try to fetch a file whose read permissions make it inaccessible; the FTPcode will try to read it, fail with a 550 error, and then perform a directorylisting for the unreadable file. If fine-grained control is needed, considerusing the ftplib module, subclassing FancyURLopener, or changing_urlopener to meet your needs.
I want to download image file from a url using python module \"urllib.request\", which works for some website (e.g., but does not work for another ( receiving error \"HTTP Error 403: Forbidden\". What could be the problem for the latter case and how to fix it
Note: Sometime during April 2018, the Python Package Index was migrated from to This means \"trusted-host\" commands using the old domain no longer work, but you can add both.
did not work for me. I kept getting the CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED error. However, I noticed in the error messages that they referenced the '' site. So, I used this as the trusted host name instead of That almost got me there; the load was still failing with CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED, but at a later point. Finding the reference to the website that was failing, I included it as a trusted host. What eventually worked for me was:
I got below error while try to install numpy using pip or from visual studioCollecting numpy Could not fetch URL : There was a problem confirming the ssl certificate: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:748) - skipping Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement numpy (from versions: )No matching distribution found for numpy
I tried using the python requests library, but the request just timed out. I tried specifying the 'User-Agent' from my browser as a header, but it still just timed out, including when I copied across every single header from my browser into my python script. I tried setting allow_redirects=True, this did not help. I've also tried wget and curl, everything fails apart from actually opening the browser, visiting the URL and downloading the file.
I'm wondering what the actual difference is between the requests in my browser and the python requests where I set the headers to match those in my browser - is there any way I can download this file using python
I'm trying to build a Python 2.7 from source on a pretty minimal system (Ubuntu 16.04 docker image) which doesn't cause HTTPS downloads to fail due to . I don't want to use a package manager, but am aware that this would solve the problem easily.
In the Integrated Terminal, run the app by entering python -m flask run, which runs the Flask development server. The development server looks for by default. When you run Flask, you should see output similar to the following:
Assuming you have Python 3 installed to your local environment, create a directory mkdir download-images-python and add in a Once that file is opened, install and import the following packages:
Once you have urllib installed, create a new directory for your project, mkdir python-image-downloads. This step does not need to be repeated if you already created it in the previous section. Within that directory create an images folder, as well as a file. Navigate to your file, and at the top insert the following line of code to import the urllib package:
urllib2 and utilize urlopen(request).read() to read the image url, and then download it to your local environment. However, the image will now be saved directly to the python-image-downloads directory instead of the images folder.*
In addition to the Requests and Urllib packages, it's also possible to download images in Python by employing the wget module. If you have already made your python-image-download navigate inside, if not create it now. Within the directory create a file and import the wget module like so:
Some users may need to keep settings files and other users may need to delete them, so Anaconda leaves some settings files in place when it is uninstalled. Specifically, the directories .spyder2, .ipython, .matplotlib, and .astropy remain. Depending on your version of Windows these may be in C:\\Documents and Settings\\Your_User_Name or in C:\\Users\\Your_User_Name.
In CPython < 3.8, using python3-config to determine a linking command line tocompile an extension module will cause that extension module to segfault upon import.python3-config does provide command-line flags but for the different purpose ofembedding a Python interpreter.
This is because of the command-line flags returned by python3-config. Before Python 3.8,those are needed to embed the core Python interpreter into a different project altogetherand not those that should be used when linking a Python extension module.
I just successfully tested this out with both curl and python (see below) and an App Password (Log in with Atlassian account). I gave the App Password Read access to all of my repositories for this to work.
When that happens, you should uninstall it and reinstall again withthe update site... if that still fails, you could try to get the zip files, as it will atleast give you a warning when it is corrupt.
pip download with the --platform, --python-version,--implementation, and --abi options provides the ability to fetchdependencies for an interpreter and system other than the ones that pip isrunning on. --only-binary=:all: or --no-deps is required when using anyof these options. It is important to note that these options all default to thecurrent system/interpreter, and not to the most restrictive constraints (e.g.platform any, abi none, etc). To avoid fetching dependencies that happen tomatch the constraint of the current interpreter (but not your target one), itis recommended to specify all of these options if you are specifying one ofthem. Generic dependencies (e.g. universal wheels, or dependencies with noplatform, abi, or implementation constraints) will still match an over-constrained download requirement. If some of your dependencies are notavailable as binaries, you can build them manually for your target platformand let pip download know where to find them using --find-links.
Packages (31) python-appdirs-1.4.4-6 python-cachecontrol-1:0.12.6-4 python-cffi-1.15.0-3 python-chardet-4.0.0-5 python-colorama-0.4.4-6 python-contextlib2-0.6.0.post1-6 python-cryptography-36.0.0-1 python-distlib-0.3.3-4 python-distro-1.6.0-4 python-html5lib-1.1-11 python-idna-3.3-3 python-more-itertools-8.10.0-4 python-msgpack-1.0.2-4 python-ordered-set-4.0.2-6 python-packaging-20.9-7 python-pep517-0.12.0-4 python-ply-3.11-10 python-progress-1.6-5 python-pycparser-2.21-3 python-pyopenssl-21.0.0-5 python-pyparsing-2.4.7-6 python-requests-2.26.0-5 python-resolvelib-0.5.5-4 python-retrying-1.3.3-13 python-setuptools-1:57.4.0-6 python-six-1.16.0-5 python-toml-0.10.2-7 python-tomli-1.2.2-4 python-urllib3-1.26.7-5 python-webencodings-0.5.1-9 python-pip-20.3.4-4
In this article, we are going to see the error connection error SSL CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED certificate verifyfailed (_ssl.c:598) which you might get when you are trying to install Python on yoursystem.
httplib2, the library used by the uri module only sends authentication information when a webservice responds to an initial request with a 401 status. Since some basic auth services do not properly send a 401, logins will fail.
All the functions that send requests to the NCBI Entrez API willautomatically respect the NCBI rate limit (of 3 requests per secondwithout an API key, or 10 requests per second with an API key) andwill automatically retry when encountering transient failures(i.e. connection failures or HTTP 5XX codes). By default, Biopythondoes a maximum of three tries before giving up, and sleeps for 15seconds between tries. You can tweak these parameters by settingBio.Entrez.max_tries and Bio.Entrez.sleep_between_tries.
I am learning python and am very new to the whole thing, learning through a MOOC. This week our lesson was about scraping data from web sources. I cannot even get the most basic thing to work, getting a million traceback errors with this code. Can anyone help me understand what the error(s) is/are
Tip: If you don't want to enter your credentials every time you interact with the remote repository, you can turn on credential caching. If you are already using credential caching, please make sure that your computer has the correct credentials cached. Incorrect or out of date credentials will cause authentication to fail. 781b155fdc