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if you will see dxomark sensor comparison, no camera can be compare with D3s still now, even D4s or D5... All of them are behind in any features... And inr eal life D3s doing grest job. Today I acceidentally found D3s in mint condition (something like 97!), wit 17600 shutter actuation for 1200 USD and of course bought it...
What's the best camera for shooting sports and action Fast continuous shooting, reliable autofocus and great battery life are just three of the most important factors. In this buying guide we've rounded-up several great cameras for shooting sports and action, and recommended the best.
Relatively inexpensive video camcorders like the Flip Mino provide the opportunity for faculty to film in the classroom. In this video I look at three video camcorders (the Creative Labs Vado HD 720p, Flip Mino and Kodak Zi6) and suggest which device is best to use. I also cover some of tripod options to consider.
This style of remote is particularly popular with consumer hardwarelike the Fire TV; users who control Kodi through other means (such asa wireless keyboard) are unaffected. The long press is bound toKodi's context-menu action by default, so it pops up a menu ofadditional commands. Those using Kodi on a Linux box with touchscreensupport have yet another UI option, as Kodi now supports multi-touchgestures. Gesture support has been available in the Android and iOSreleases for some time; there is a small set of gestures recognized by default,though it is configurable.Finally, the Android rendering stack has been reworked to cope with4K displays. In earlier releases, both the Kodi UI and any videocontent being displayed were rendered to the same surface, usinglibstagefright. But that made it impossible to render the UI and thevideo at different resolutions. Rendering the 4K version of the Kodi UI broughtinteractivity to a crawl on most Android devices, whilelimiting video playback to 720p or 1080p resolution would defeat thepurpose of 4K support. Starting with the 16.0 release, the videostream and the UI are rendered to separate MediaCodecsurfaces (rather than libstagefright), thus enabling 4Khardware-accelerated video while keeping the UI at its native, non-4Kresolution.As a project, Kodi relies heavily on the community of add-on andskin developers for implementing new user-facing features. So as thecore application matures, there may be fewer big developments in everyrelease cycle. Nevertheless, as the 16.0 release shows, there willalways be room for improvements. Some of the new under-the-hoodfunctionality will take time to trickle out as developers updateadd-ons and skins, but there is certainly enough in the new release forusers to be happy with the upgrade.Comments (2 posted)Systemd vs. Docker February 24, 2016 153554b96e