POD: Ruby Time 2021
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Now that we have listed the dependencies of the target, it's time to install them. Save the changes you made to your project's Podfile and open Terminal or iTerm. Execute the pod install command to install the dependencies you defined in the project's Podfile.
This is one of the features I enjoy most about CocoaPods. It clearly separates your project from the project's dependencies. In addition, CocoaPods configures your project based on the needs of the dependencies you listed. It just works ... well ... most of the time.
DevOps engineers wishing to troubleshoot Kubernetes applications can turn to log messages to pinpoint the cause of errors and their impact on the rest of the cluster. When troubleshooting a running application, engineers need real-time access to logs generated across multiple components.
Kubernetes logs help DevOps teams identify deployment problems and improve the reliability of their application . Live tailing enables faster troubleshooting by helping developers collect, view, and analyze these logs in real time. To get started in SolarWinds Papertrail, sign up and start logging your Kubernetes cluster in a matter of minutes.
Another highly-recommended way to automatically switch between versions is to add a .ruby-version file in your Ruby project with the version number prefixed with ruby-, such as ruby-2.7.7. To test that this works:
This removes the Pods from your project. But it leaves the podfile in place, so if you now say pod install again, you have effectively started over. Sometimes, that sort of cleaning is just what you need.
The CPU request represents a minimum amount of CPU that your container mayconsume, but if there is no contention for CPU, it can use all available CPU onthe node. If there is CPU contention on the node, CPU requests provide arelative weight across all containers on the system for how much CPU time thecontainer may use.
A Burstable CPU container is guaranteed to get the minimum amount of CPUrequested, but it may or may not get additional CPU time. Excess CPU resourcesare distributed based on the amount requested across all containers on the node.
This process means that new containers are slowly brought online and trafficgradually shifts over to the latest version. This avoids a period during thedeploy where pods are unavailable to serve traffic, all traffic shifts at onceto pods with cold caches, or many extra containers boot at the same time,overwhelming the database with new connections. This is a good, default recipefor a zero downtime deploy.
A Job works like a Deployment, but rather than keeping a certain number of podsrunning at all times, it runs your pod until it completes successfully and thenstops. You can create a new migration job for each new version in your CDpipeline.
One downside to using a rolling release is that multiple versions of yourapplication will be running at the same time during a rollout. If you runmigrations while old versions of your application are running, this means yourmigrations must be backwards compatible for at least one deploy. Most migrationswill work fine as-is, but it means handling some changes with care:
By now, hummingbird migration is in full swing. To the delight of hummingbird enthusiasts everywhere, Ruby-throated hummingbirds are already at feeders in many gulf coast cities! If you live along their migration route, you may need to get your feeders prepped and filled to the brim with Perky-Petnectar a bit earlier than you did last year at this time.
Ruby-throated Hummingbirds breed in North America during the summer months, but prefer to spend their winters in much warmer climates. The pursuit for warmer weather creates a long and sometimes daunting journey to return to their breeding grounds each year. By knowing when the Ruby-throated Hummingbirds will be in your area, you can get your hummingbird feeder ready in plenty of time to take part in their miraculous migration.
During the cold winter months, Ruby-throated Hummingbirds spend their time in Central America and southern Mexico. Then, as the weather begins to turn warm, they will start to make their northern trip up to the United States. This can be a grueling journey, as many of them choose to fly over the Gulf of Mexico. This flight alone can take 18-22 hours of non-stop flight before reaching land on the other side of the gulf!
Ruby-throated Hummingbirds will typically begin their northern migration in late February to early March. By mid to late March, they will begin reaching the southern tips of many Gulf Coast states such as Texas and Louisiana. From there, they will continue their journey north through the United States, reaching Pennsylvania and Illinois around late April or early May. Hummingbirds will usually reach their final breeding destinations sometime around the end of May. Here, they will spend their summer breeding, raising their young and fattening up for their journey south in the fall.
The approach of cool, fall weather signals to migratory hummingbirds that their time in the North has come to an end. Juvenile and mature Ruby-throats will begin to fatten up once again, storing energy for another difficult flight. Ruby-throated Hummingbirds will follow almost the exact route they took north to their breeding grounds just a few short months ago. It is critical that you try to keep your feeders up through fall to ensure that any late-moving hummers have a food source for their fall migration.
Docker containers can be terminated any time, due to an auto-scaling policy, pod or deployment deletion or while rolling out an update. In most of such cases, you will probably want to graceful shutdown your application running inside the container.
This feature allows you to execute the process command multiple times without worrying about the file names changing.In other words, Nextflow helps you write pipeline tasks that are self-contained and decoupled from the executionenvironment. As a best practice, you should avoid referencing files in your process script other than thosedefined in your input block.
In the above example, each time a file of sequences is emitted from the sequences channel,the process executes three tasks, each running a T-coffee alignment with a different value forthe mode parameter. This behavior is useful when you need to repeat the same task over a givenset of parameters.
A different semantic is applied when using a value channel. This kind ofchannel is created by the Channel.value factory method or implicitly when aprocess is invoked with an argument that is not a channel. By definition, a value channel is bound toa single value and it can be read an unlimited number of times without consuming its content. Therefore,when mixing a value channel with one or more (queue) channels, it does not affect the process terminationbecause the underlying value is applied repeatedly.
The above example executes the bar process three times because x is a value channel, thereforeits value can be read as many times as needed. The process termination is determined by the contents of y.It outputs:
Enable caching. Cache keys are created indexing input files path and size attributes (this policy provides a workaround for incorrect caching invalidation observed on shared file systems due to inconsistent files timestamps).
The maxErrors directive allows you to specify the maximum number of times a process can fail when using the retry error strategy.By default this directive is disabled, you can set it as shown in the example below:
This setting considers the total errors accumulated for a given process, across all instances. If you wantto control the number of times a process instance (aka task) can fail, use maxRetries.
The maxRetries directive allows you to define the maximum number of times a process instance can bere-submitted in case of failure. This value is applied only when using the retry error strategy. By defaultonly one retry is allowed, you can increase this value as shown below:
There is a subtle but important difference between maxRetries and the maxErrors directive.The latter defines the total number of errors that are allowed during the process execution (the same process canlaunch different execution instances), while the maxRetries defines the maximum number of times the same processexecution can be retried in case of an error.
In the above example the memory and execution time limits are defined dynamically. The first time the processis executed the task.attempt is set to 1, thus it will request a two GB of memory and one hour of maximum executiontime.
If the task execution fail reporting an exit status in the range between 137 and 140, the task is re-submitted (otherwise terminates immediately).This time the value of task.attempt is 2, thus increasing the amount of the memory to four GB and the time to 2 hours, and so on.
Adding a .gitpod.yml file at the root of your repository allows customizing Gitpod for your project. A useful thing it can do is running scripts on start-up (or sometimes even before start-up: the Gitpod app can watch your repo and start pre-building the init step for every commit, see the next section for more info):
With medium-to-large GitHub projects, your init step might take a long time to complete, especially if you need to compile code. To avoid that you and your contributors wait forever, you can make Gitpod auto-build your repository on every push, and start building workspaces even before Gitpod is opened. This will shave up to several minutes off your workspace loading times, and make your developers very happy.
This issue may arise due to multiple version of Ruby installed, if using nvm then you can choose to use System ruby or rvm, use commandrvm use systemor rvm use default, if willing to use that version.
In this section, we will add the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler Kubernetes artifact. Also called HPA, it automatically scales the number of pods in other Kubernetes artifacts, such as deployment and the replica set, per the observed CPU usage or other metrics. In conjunction with the metrics server, if CPU usage goes above a threshold for a certain amount of time, HPA will add a Pod until the max replicas limit is reached. Below is our definition of the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler: 153554b96e