Surprise Again.rar
Surprise Again.rar ->>->>->>
As the Galactic Alliance prisoners were being transported to safety, however, Yuuzhan Vong reinforcements struck. Flying new craft, the arrivals took the Galactic Alliance starfighter squadrons by surprise. Rar joined Solo in covering the retreat of the Millennium Falcon, which successfully escaped, but in total Twin Suns Squadron lost five of its pilots. The ravaged squadron protected the surviving transports as they retreated. Traveling from the Tantara system to Kashyyyk and thence to Dac itself, Rar's arrival, along with that of the rest of the squadron, went largely unnoticed by the public. The Galactic Alliance military was readying itself for the campaign to retake Coruscant from the Yuuzhan Vong, but the depleted Jedi Order had its own agenda. Luke Skywalker, his wife, Corran Horn, Tahiri Veila, and several others had been incommunicado on a hunt for the living world Zonama Sekot, which was thought to hold the solution to the mystery of the Yuuzhan Vong, due to the fact that it had successfully defended itself against a prior Yuuzhan Vong invasion fifty years previously.[22]
The Solos demanded that the younger Jedi leave with them, but Zekk and Jaina refused, claiming that they were not leaving without Lowbacca, and that they would investigate the attack on Sebatyne. Organa Solo pledged to open negotiations with the Chiss, but Rar claimed that the defoliators would have wreaked greater damage on the Gyuel system nests by that point. With the argument at a standstill, the Solos decided to return without the young Jedi. With Lomi Plo and the Gorog having decided that it was time for another attempt on the Solos' lives, concurrently with an attack on the Jade Shadow, Rar was dispatched to eliminate the couple, along with Sebatyne, C-3PO, and the Noghri bodyguards. To the surprise of Zekk and all three Solos, Rar therefore informed them that she would be accompanying the Solos and their companions aboard the Millennium Falcon, under the pretense of acting as a guide.[8]
Rar grew disorientated as she attempted to satisfy Organa Solo with a working truth. Eventually, the Twi'lek snapped at the older woman, losing control and shouting that the Solos would have nothing to fear so long as they did not interfere with Lomi Plo's plans, although she only referred to Gorog obliquely. The departure of the Solos from Colony space, however, was not security enough for Plo; if the Solos reported the Gorog attack on Sebatyne to Skywalker, Plo felt that her scheme would come under threat. Therefore the Twi'lek was instructed to sabotage the Millennium Falcon and rid the Gorog nest of the Solos once and for all. While the light freighter was in hyperspace, Rar sabotaged the Millennium Falcon's hyperdrive, causing it to exit hyperspace in Colony space, where a swarm of Gorog dartships began to converge on the light freighter. To Rar's surprise, and despite her attempts to convince Han Solo that the dartships meant no harm, the Corellian took the light freighter into lightspeed at half power.[8]
Determined that Lobi should not inform the Jedi Order of the alliance between Solo and Lumiya, as Rar felt such a development would ruin the Balance by alerting Organa Solo to her son's corruption too soon, the Twi'lek leapt at Lobi with her lightsaber. Immediately, Lobi was able to repel Rar's surprise attack, injure the Twi'lek, and retreat. The former Night Herald used the distance to remove the Jedi Master's headset with the Force, preventing Lobi from recording the duel. Rar quickly recruited Lumiya to her cause and together they pursued Lobi. The fierce fight which followed saw Rar and Lumiya initially overpowered; Lumiya lost an arm and Rar was dragged into the path of the Sith Lady's signature lightwhip by Lobi's command of the Force. Lobi continued to prevail until she hesitated; Rar seized the opportunity and forced the Chev back, whereupon Lumiya severed the Jedi Master's legs. With what she saw as an act of mercy, Rar then decapitated the helpless Chev.[3]
With Jaina Solo, Zekk, and Fel still tracking her movements, Rar knew that she had to act quickly at Ossus. She left the Meditation Sphere in a ravine and made her way to the Jedi Academy. Once there, Rar was surprised to discover that Jacen Solo had dispatched a complement of Galactic Alliance Guard soldiers to secure the academy in order to gain leverage over the Jedi Order. The Twi'lek felt that this made her mission to help Solo all the more pertinent, as in her opinion he was already blundering. Distracting the guards in the Ossus library, Rar downloaded all data on Sith Meditation Spheres to her datapad. Much of the limited information was already known to her, but the fact that the vessel was a powerful tool for the art of battle meditation, with which one could turn the tides of engagements, was news to the Twi'lek. Rar set off back through the forests to the ravine and ordered the Meditation Sphere to take her back to Lumiya's asteroid hideout in the Kanz sector.[13]
When the Twi'lek reached the set of buildings which she had been told made up the Sith headquarters, she presented herself at the gate, with nothing but one of her poison darts to defend herself. A cloaked Togorian soon emerged and dragged Rar inside to a courtyard, promising her death for having found the Sith and demanding how she had come upon their hideout. The Twi'lek bought herself some time by referring to the datachip, but as the Togorian began to crush the air out of her lungs, she was forced to stab him in the leg with her dart. A woman spoke out and put an end to the fight, and Rar was surprised to find over thirty hooded figures watching from the courtyard balconies. Another unknown figure spoke to her from one of the balconies and appropriated the datachip with the Force when Rar presented it. In order to stop the Sith from killing her where she stood, Rar claimed to have been Lumiya's apprentice and, to gain their respect and prolong their attention, identified herself as the killer of Mara Jade Skywalker.[13]
When Rar fought another Jedi Master, Mara Jade Skywalker, at Roqoo Depot, she was able to surprise the woman with her skill.[3] The Twi'lek was able to hold a defensive technique for an extended period, in order to hold her opponent in place or delay their departure, and while doing so, was able to deflect blaster bolts from a skilled shooter such as Han Solo with little difficulty.[28] Rar was also proficient in the fourth form of lightsaber combat.[2] She often incorporated hand-to-hand combat in her fighting, kicking her opponents or even using her sharp Twi'lek talons as weapons.[3] During duels, Rar could make use of the power of Force speed, enhancing the rapidity of her actions.[2]
In a time when cynicism depletes the noblest values and inconsistent values become absolute truths, how can we express our love for design With delicate irony, G + G juxtaposes the authority of masterpieces and the carefree lightness of popular icons of our childhood. Cartoon characters break into great artworks like children into the lives of adults. Their desire to play and surprise creates a cheerful infiltration that unexpectedly shifts the composure of the works of art. G + G creates theatrical representations with ironic intelligence. Behind the fun spirit of each piece always lies a deep and passionate declaration of love for art.
By staying and fighting the Viet Cong had surprised the Australians, who expected them to withdraw rapidly to their jungle bases following their attack on Lang Phuoc Hai as they had on previous occasions.[67] This assumption had led the Australians to commit forces in a piecemeal fashion when the situation required a deliberate battalion attack supported by blocking forces, a co-ordinated indirect fire plan, and APCs. Yet such an operation would have required considerable time to plan and execute, and Townsend had been ordered not to become too heavily engaged. Ad hoc and planned in haste, Operation Bribie went badly for the Australians from the start with delays in deploying the reaction force.[67] Expecting only minor contact, Graham had finally sent the battalion out after midday and ordered it to return before nightfall. Yet this restriction had a significant impact on the operation, and limited the time available to commanders at all levels for planning and reconnaissance, thereby preventing a more deliberate approach. Once committed, the Australians realised that they had struck at least a company from D445 Battalion with elements of a heavy weapons company, possibly supported by North Vietnamese reinforcements and at least five machine-guns, one heavy machine-gun and two recoilless rifles.[67] Graham had intended to land 6 RAR behind the Viet Cong in order to cut-off their withdrawal, yet instead they had almost landed directly on top of them.[69] Further misjudgement and circumstance affected the Australian response once the battle began, with the initial reports that the Viet Cong position was a 'camp' proving incorrect, as had the belief that the dense scrub made the area unsuitable for cavalry.[67] Meanwhile, A Company's initial assault had lacked adequate artillery support, while B Company's final assault had been hampered by the requirement for A Company's supporting fire to cut-off early. The resulting friction had then culminated in A Squadron's difficulty linking-up with B Company in the dense vegetation, further delaying their relief.[71]
In attacking Lang Phuoc Hai the Viet Cong had likely intended to draw out and ambush any relief force as it approached the village; a standard tactic they had employed on previous occasions. Indeed, early on 17 February two companies of Viet Cong had established an ambush between Dat Do and Lang Phuoc Hai. That morning the South Vietnamese had subsequently dispatched 189 RF Company from Hoi My, yet the ambush subsequently failed when the RF company commander elected to move by an indirect route to the east of the road, striking the Viet Cong flank just after first light. Although outnumbered, the South Vietnamese had caught the Viet Cong by surprise and were able to fight their way clear, forcing the communists to withdraw to the north-east.[72] Later that day Murphy had taken a similar precaution, moving A Squadron cross-country over the paddy fields to the LZ Amber. Several days after the battle uncorroborated information was received which suggested that in so doing, the Australians may have also avoided a large area ambush on Route 44 between Hoi My and Lang Phuoc Hai by up to two main force battalions, with the convoy perhaps passing within 200 metres (220 yd) of the Viet Cong command group without realising it.[31][72] Murphy subsequently deduced that the two-company Viet Cong force that had earlier contacted 189 RF Company may have been flank protection or a blocking force for the larger ambush.[72] By inserting into LZ Amber it was probable that 6 RAR had unknowingly also avoided this ambush, yet had subsequently clashed with a large group of Viet Cong resting in the dense jungle adjacent to the landing zone.[45][74] This force was likely either a reserve or flank security element, and was not a part of the main force that had attacked Lang Phuoc Hai.[31] 59ce067264