Watch Two And A Half Men S06E17
\"Walk Like a Man\" is the 82nd episode of the HBO television series The Sopranos, the fifth episode of the second half of the show's sixth season, and the 17th episode of the season overall. Written and directed by executive producer Terence Winter in his directorial debut, it originally aired on May 6, 2007, and was watched by 7.16 million viewers upon its premiere.[1]
That shocker of Sam getting KILLED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE EPISODE plus so much drama over and over made this a harrowing experience to watch, but there was also so much great humor with Gabriel and Rowena.
Hey MikeI spend every Wednesday morning reading your recap with my coffee in hand and now Monday..errr afternoon for \"the end\" recap and I just want to say...THANK YOU!!!!Your recaps = awesome sauce!!!As for LOST...all in all...I get it and I am satisfied with the end game. It was hard for me last night to \"let go\"...but I think I'm okay now. After reading comments and re-watching the church scene...I am content. Not everyone is gonna love the end but as for me...I'm happy. People are just gonna have to look at the \"waiting room/FSW\" as the Titanic-esque ending. We all still need to wait for the DVD release and see what the 20 minutes are all about before people go bashing the last 6 years...if you lasted 2-4 season without answers...LOST had to be doing something right to reel all you in...
@Laine - okay I get it! I WAS LATE with this one! But the best things come to those who wait, right lol Ahhh Heinz 57..good times. Oh right, thank you so much for the BLOG PROPS! Awesome the new lingo! I might use it. lol You're totally welcome...I'm glad that you found the recaps entertaining! Agreed on those 20 minutes. Hopefully, they are significant answers that people have been clamoring for. We'll see though! But, yeah I think I've spoken volumes about how much I enjoyed THE END. So I'll spare everyone from gushing more! I'm glad you are content with it. And I am fully aware that people will just never want to like it. Some people may come around over time....they'll rewatch and they'll see that some of this stuff has been plotted since the beginning. Others....well they have just given up.@Anonymous 4:56 - Totally agree! It was a beautiful thing! The Sawyer/Juliet scene was great too! Glad they finally resolved that triangle by introducing a worthy 4th party to the mix last season. It made their life easier after no one would accept Sawyer with anyone BUT Juliet! lolFarewell to LOST indeed! And THANK YOU to LOST!
@Rhiamon - Sorry again for the delay in posting! lol Totally agree with you on Jack's journey. It was fantastic! Agree, there are always loose ends when a show ends. But LOST did well in making me not care!Enjoy the read!@PH - Thanks for the props! I wouldn't put it past me to post some questions that I hope to get answered before the DVD comes out. I know DHARMA Food Drops better be included! LOL And something on WALT, since the promised he'd be in this finale and he was nowhere to be seen! But, I definitely need to take a few weeks off to rest my fingers and my brain! It's been quite a ride! lol@David - You're totally welcome. Thank you for being a dedicated reader and commenter! Totally agree...the more I think about the end or rewatch some scenes...the more I loved it! @AUStarwars....ahhh nice superman II reference too! I love when he gets his revenge on the diner guy at the end of the movie. Classic movie! lol@Gunnar - Good call on the different clothes. I don't even bother to bring this stuff up because it just seemed so straight forward to me! lol I still think Christian explained the whole Sideways thing. It was ALL of their \"purgatories\"...a collective waiting room....they all went back to where they were when they were was truly the most important thing they did with their lives. Matt Roush summed it up well....What Happened Happened, What Happened Mattered. Thank you so much for the props! I loved every minute (well most minutes) of it! lol And thank you all for your continued support and great commentary!
Thank you so much for ur awesome job. Your recap is really the icing on the cake,which enlighten and entertain me all the past seasons of lost. But to be honest, I don't like the finale. I really hoped that they could answer all those burning questions. They could not just throw in something in the show whenever they want and claim that they have big plans from day 1 and then just leave them unanswered. I know it is hard but that makes lost a great show. If they think that they can get away from this lousy ending, I would refuse to watch anything from the lost producers in the future.
Congratulations on a great blog, I wish I had found it much sooner; it, along with all the comments gave me so much more insight into a show I watched but didn't fully understand (not that I understand everything now either). I am feeling so much better about the ending today than I did last night. I was so caught up in the hope that they all lived AND got off the island I missed some great points of the show in my 'sadness'.Again Congratulations!
@Anonymous Ed - the white tennis shoe in the bamboo is seen in the very first scene from the pilot episode when Jack wakes up - Vincent watching - and runs towards the noises he hears.It is the white tennis shoe that belongs to Jack that he put on Christian's corpse in Sydney.In \"The End\" everything comes full circle and we see the aged white tennis shoe still in the bamboo and Christian Shephard wearing the same shoes as he walks into THE LIGHT in the church.Very poetic, mirroring stuff.
Dear Mike...My Long Lost Brotha...For the last several years you have explained the mystery and story of Lost to me and many others on a continuing basis.I would watch with utter confusion on Thursday...and Friday morning you would explain it all to me in ways that made perfect sense.For those many moments of enlightenment, I would like to take this moment to thank you so very much for your compelling clarity.Your weekly insight only added to may Lost experience...and made me sound much smarter than I really am when I explained everything about that weeks episode to my 9 year old the next day.I will continue to check this blog on a regular basis for any additional information you can provide us Losties that we may have missed.When last nights finale ended I was, at first, somewhat disgruntled. But as time went on, I came around to find last night episode very satisfying,indeed.Your finale recap only added to my resolution of satisfaction with last nights final episode.Once again, my Lost brotha, let me take this moment to say thank you for years of great reading...I look forward to continuing this journey with you in what ever form it may take.Namaste!!!!
I am sad to say that this finale was a major let down. The sideways timeline was purgatory Really Did the writers decide that 5 minutes before they filmed it I spent half of this season watching a bunch of ghosts dreaming up a way to work out their issues before they died Why did they have to forget each other in the first place I guess the way purgatory works just so happens to play right into how you fabricate your contrived story UHHHG. Lost, one of the best shows ever on TV, why'd you have to go out like that
Mike -First of all, thank you for this blog! It has been nothing short of AMAZING. I started watching LOST last January in an epic 5 seasons in 5 weeks marathon. I read this blog after each episode (starting in season 2, of course). I really helped me piece everything together - you caught so much that I didn't have a prayer in tying together. This blog helped me be engaged and follow the storyline.As for the finale - I felt it was perfect. What a great way to tie it all up.I'm sure the hardcore fanboys will have all their questions answer in due time, as this series lives on into the future. I think that's part of what will help its rewatchability.Thanks again, Mike!
OMG, I just watched it again. I'm blown away, again. Thank you so much for your blog MikeV. It really was awesome and it helped me piece everything together. You managed to make my experience much more enjoyable. Thank you man. I will follow your blogs always. Boom Lost, what a show! How we'll miss it and miss your musings.
Great recap, Mike! Thanks for all the work you put into it! I know a few people who didn't like the ending, but I'm with you: I thought it was fantastic!Now the big series rewatch can begin, as well as my attempt to rank every single episode. That should be fun, huhBy the way, congrats to your Flyers! I'm a Blackhawks fan, so whatever the outcome of the Stanley Cup Finals, someone in this commenting section is going to be happy!
Thanks Mike V. for all the recaps and especially for this one. Great work, I never missed one since I discovered your blog.My wife and I watched \"The End\" yesterday night and we were quite confused by the scenes showing the plane wreckage after the final \"Lost\". My first thought was OMG, they died initially after the plane crash, bodies fell into the ocean, nothing was real. Something like Bobby Ewing having been under the shower way back in the 80ies in \"Dallas\" (for those of you being old enough to remember).Glad to hear that it wasnt meant to be part of the show.For the final episode I would have loved to have some more questions answered, especially about the loophole for MiB, the fertility and time travel stuff, but lets just wait for the blue-ray/DVD Lost Complete 6 Seasons Edition.Namaste! 59ce067264