Zero Resistance Selling Epub File LINK
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Sixteen recreationally active subjects (7 females and 9 males) completed three sprint tests, each consisting of four 12 sec efforts against a resistance equal to 5.5% of body weight; efforts were separated by 2.5 min of cycling at zero resistance. Test one established baseline; test two and three were preceded by seven days of daily consumption of 591 ml of a carbohydrate-electrolyte beverage as a placebo or a carbohydrate-electrolyte beverage containing 0.42% betaine (approximately 2.5 grams of betaine a day); half the beverage was consumed in the morning and the other half in the afternoon. We used a double blind random order cross-over design; there was a 3 wk washout between trials two and three. Average and maximum peak and mean power were analyzed with one-way repeated measures ANOVA and, where indicated, a Student Newman-Keuls.
Prior to every sprint test, subjects pedaled at a self-selected pace against a light resistance for 5 min to warm up with two to three interspersed sprints of short duration. The sprint test followed which consisted of four, 12 sec work bouts on a Monark 834 E ergometer (Varberg, Sweden) against a resistance equal to 5.5% of body weight. Each work bout was separated by 2.5 min of cycling at zero resistance. At the completion of the test, subjects continued to pedal at zero resistance for 2.5 min to cool down. The ergometer was equipped with toe clips, seat height was standardized for each subject to allow for 10-15° of knee flexion, and vigorous verbal encouragement was provided for all tests. SMI Power software (Sports Medicine Industries, St. Cloud, MN) interfaced with the ergometer with an OptoSensor 2000 infrared sensor (Sports Medicine Industries, St. Cloud, MN) collected data every second. The sensor was calibrated before every testing session.
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